1. Mrs. Dukho ( Poya village)
In the month of July 2016, when we are visiting Poya village we visited Mr. Chottilal’s house.
We saw their son Baldeep who is mentally and physically not good, he is not able to speak not eating food but he eats small fire wood pieces. While we sharing gospel Baldeep’s parents told that, for the last 2-3 years they are attending in a worship meeting called Nirankaar , but they didn’t get any profit through that worship.
We shared gospel and about believing in Jesus Christ, from the next week they (Baldeep & his mother) started to attend the worship in Poya village and whenever we visit their home they ( Mr. Chottilal & Mrs. Dukho and their children) use to open their home for prayer and bible study.
In the month of February we were sharing teaching about the Baptism, after that program Mrs. Dukho came and asked to us that she wants to take Babtism. We told you pray and prepare for baptism, then God will help you to take baptism, she prayed and prepared and we also visited her house, encouraged and prayed for them, on 31st march God helped her to take Baptism. And she is sharing to her village people that what is the difference and blessings happening in their life after receiving Jesus Christ into their life.
While her life is going smoothly, In the month of September her second son Shiva (15 years old )got sick related with Jaundice and he admitted in Hospital and day by day his blood count became very low, in the critical stage their family members took him to Medical college Hospital in Lucknow 2 weeks they all were in Lucknow.
After 2 weeks Doctors told that they are not able to do any treatment for Shiva, because his condition was very bad and they discharged Shiva from Hospital and they came to their village Poya.
During that time our team members visited, prayed and shared the word of Hope. Shiva told us after I got heal from my sick I will come for worship.
After 3 days Shiva passed away, that day around midnight just before he took his last breath their family members were trying to take him to Bhara (village witch-doctor in their village), but Shiva told that “please don’t take me to anywhere please call people who are praying to Jesus”. Immediately they went and called our believers in Poya village, believers went and prayed for Shiva. Then Shiva said loudly “Hallelujah” and he took last breath.
At present Mrs. Dukho and Mr. Chotilal they have 2 more children 1 is Baldeep( mentally week), and another son’s 3 finger in right hand already cut in the accident and he also not able to do any work.
But still Mrs. Dukho and family strongly believing in Jesus Christ and attending worship in Poya village.
2. Mrs. Ranjeeta Rana
I am the wife of Mr. Rajesh Rana, from SedaBedha village. From my childhood I heard the gospel from missionaries. I use to attend worship at Bangati village when I was in my teenage. But later I stop going and believing in Christ. I got married with a man from SedaBedha village but soon my mother in law started to treat me badly. I was sent everyday to jungle to look after cattle. One day my stomach was terribly in paining. But in the jungle I don’t have anybody to ask for help. Then Mrs. Samunder, a believer suddenly pass by. As soon as she notice me, she came and help me massage my stomach. And she told me what if she pray for her. I said yes, but she ask me again, do you believe that God will heal you? And I said yes. As soon as the prayer is over I feel better and relief. Since then I started to attend the worship at SedaBedha and become a believer of Jesus Christ again.